Bonnie Argo
Masters of Physiotherapy
Graduate Certificate Human Movement Science
Bachelor of Science Psychology (Hons)
Bonnie completed her Masters of Physiotherapy at the University of Canberra following the completion of a Graduate Certificate in Human Movement Science. Passionate about anatomy and biomechanics, Bonnie strives to help you move and feel well!
Bonnie is a GLA:D Clinician working with patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis. She is also a Pilates instructor and Yoga Teacher Trainer. Bonnie has trained with the Watson Headache® Institute and treats patient’s with headache and migraine. Bonnie is also passionate about working with athletes from a recreational sport level through to high performance and has completed the APA Sports Physiotherapy Level 1.
Bonnie founded SOULution Yoga with Roz Penfold in 2015 and has been sharing movement and creating meaningful community in Canberra over the past 7 years. With more than 15 years experience teaching yoga and training yoga teachers, Bonnie has a rich background in coaching optimal mechanics and mobility.
Bonnie also has a background entrenched in hands on therapies having studied Thai Massage, Shiatsu and cranio-sacral therapy. She also was a competitive trampolinist in her youth and is passionate about supporting clients in their sporting endeavours.